Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American celebutante, businesswoman, model, actress and recording artist.
She is an heiress to a share of both the Hilton Hotel fortune and the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton.
Hilton rose to fame around 2001, when her reputation as a 19-year-old socialite spilled out into the national scene from New York's tabloids. The media fascination with her led to her role in the successful Fox reality series The Simple Life, which has aired for five seasons so far.
As an actress, she has appeared in several minor roles, most notably in the horror film House of Wax (2005). In 2006 she released her debut self-titled album Paris. Hilton has since garnered notoriety as a result of several legal incidents, the repercussions of which have caused Hilton to serve time in a correctional institution in 2007.
The leak of a three-year-old home-made sex video of Hilton with her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon a week prior to the premiere of her Fox reality series The Simple Life attracted worldwide attention in late 2003. The release of the tape led to speculation that it was a deliberate publicity stunt, but Hilton has strongly denied such claims and stated she was "embarrassed" and "humiliated" by the publicity brought by the tape. The sex video, subsequently titled 1 Night in Paris in 2004, was later released on DVD and Hilton received directorial credit. The film earned three AVN Awards in 2005, including "Best Selling Title of the Year". Hilton originally sued Salomon over the release of the tape, but settled out of court in July 2005. Hilton was reportedly awarded up to $400,000 and planned to donate a percentage to charity, although in a 2006 interview with GQ magazine she stated that she never received money from the sale of the video.
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Nepodezírej lidi ze špatných úmyslů, pokud to lze vysvětlit debilitou.
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